Thursday, April 5, 2012

Design Fundamentals: Intro

To design is to plan or organize, but who holds the rights to this word?  Nearly every industry in the world uses design.  We see design in every direction we look.  From the roads we drive on to the homes we inhabit.  The works of art on our walls to the cups we drink out of, someone's design influence is present.  Design is everywhere.

1  Ohioboy Art & Design "Built to Spill Poster" 2 color hand printed poster.  Square Records.  2011.  Web.

The poster labeled 1 is an example of Visual Organization.  The letters from the band name, Built to Spill, are organized to visually play on their true definition.  The designer has painted you a picture of the spill, rather then just allowing you to read it conventionally.

In this piece we also consider the form and content, which are key points in the discussion of art and design.  The form in this poster is the visual aspect of the letters actually spilling or creating motion.  The drawing also draws attention to the content itself, the band, Built to Spill.

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